Thursday, October 31, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 31 Finale! What A Terrible Night To Have a Curse

 And so ends the Drawtober Challenge. What a more fitting way to end this month long challenge with a Halloween piece and a new character. Meet Morna the dullahan she is going to be apart of Forever Halloween with Sadie, Vivid, and Parfeit. I decided I wanted to draw something that wasn't a zombie or witch this time and immediately thought of the dullahan which is the headless horseman. Now her head is on her shoulders here but it is removable and the jack o lantern she is wearing is just for the spirit but she will toss flaming jack o lanterns I remember a dullahan doing that once.

Anyways this was really fun on the bottom is the sketch and ink.  

Drawtober Challenge Day 30 Older But Still Curious Miette

Day 30 and I'm doing more style experimentation. This wasn't suppose to end up looking like Miette but after I did the front hair stuff I immediately was reminded of Miette and it ended up as an older Miette. Miette is a character that is curious a lot and love to explore and especially loves to explore a new unknown book and that habit doesn't leave her even as she ages. Yeah I really like this and older Miette has to be a thing.

I get a revitalizing feel from trying different approaches to drawing faces I need to this more.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 29 Autumn Girl

Day 29 is well a style experimentation also it's feeling a lot like Autumn and so I want to do more cold weather drawings. Girls in scarfs, sweaters an jackets are always fun to draw.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Drawtober Challange Day 28 Change of Pace

Day 28 I decide to draw something different. I don't know what's going on with me recently but my ability draw my characters is just off maybe I've reached a burn out period in this Drawtober challenge. I mean I never drew for 28 days in a row. So instead of stopping the challenge to cool off I drew something out of my comfort zone, animals. I like drawing birds. When I went to the SF Zoo that's pretty much all I drew there. 

Drawtober Challenge Day 27 More Miette

Was trying to draw Aloa tonight but I guess I wasn't in the mood so drawing her wasn't working so I did a real quick 5 minute sketch of Miette for day 27. Today was not a drawing day especially after all the junk I went through in work today.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 26 Figuring out Aloa

Day 26 is nothing special really. It's just me figuring out Aloa. I drew her body 4 times with a different approach for each and number 3 seems to be working while I like number 4's arms. So I think I will work with 3 and continue to refine and refine.

Drawtober Challenge Day 25 Aloa First Color Pass

Day 25 with more Aloa. This time for my colored piece this week, I wanted to do a color pass on Aloa new design because she changed her outfit the last time I did a color piece of her so I need to figure out if this works or not. Well I'm still on the fence for this one I feel like she needs longer sleeves. Also I was a little off drawing Aloa this time around and I'm not too happy with the results like her face is a bit off for my liking. Oh well back to the drawing board.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 24 Super Fighting Robot Aloa!

Day 24 where I draw a pose I have a difficult time drawing and as a result Aloa is a bit of not in her canon proportion like she looks way taller than she should be. That's what usually happens when I draw in such an unfamiliar pose.

More Aloa practice. She's apart of an action story so she will needs to be drawable in action poses.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 23 No Plan Sketch

Day 23 where I had no idea what I was doing, but I like where this character is going. I was going to record this but it's not very interesting.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 22 Caia Third Pass

Day 22 with Caia yet again. I do apologize for drawing her so much but this is what happens when you create a character you just want to continue to refine and refine and refine until you are 100% satisfied or close to it. All my characters go through the same process before they never change after that.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 21 Relic of War

Day 21 is a little concept sketch for one of the villains in Bounty Hunter Aloa. This is a character I had in mind for a long, long time and at the time I named him Frozen Flame which I may keep but it's a little corny. I still need to develop a good back story but he was a robot design for research but was refitted for combat but never left the battle field long after the war ended now all he wants to do is to fall in combat but no one has granted that. So yeah his name explains his means of combat, basically he fire and ice based weaponry and though he is slow in movement he makes up for it in armor and fire power. He appears with a large bounty and Aloa takes him on in her first high rank bounty.

Of course he will go through changes in his design but this is the basic idea of how I wanted him to look for all these years.

This song inspired me to finally draw him up and the song's feel is kind of how I imagine Frozen Flame. Like he isn't completely a bad guy and in fact he is probably the most noble fight Aloa will get through out her career as a bounty hunter.

Drawtober Challenge Day 20 Caia Second Pass

Day 20 is a second design pass on Caia the character I was working on yesterday. Gave her more detail on her eyes but only a tad bit more so it's made more understandable where she is looking while still having that vapid gaze. I'm also trying to exaggerate her dress more.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 19 Esther Industries' Crown Jewel in the Making

Day 19 is a starting concept sketch for Caia who is the rival character to Aloa. Basically she is what Bass is to Megaman except more loyal to her creator. So her story is that she is created by what am calling Esther Industries which is founded by Esther who is an academic rival to Paige, the creator of Aloa.While Paige has completely forgotten about Esther, Esther still has the burning rivalry and dreams of thwarting Paige in everything she does even though she has failed to do so thus far. So her company creates Caia, the Cunning Analytical Indirect Automaton and makes her into a bounty hunter to out bounty hunt Aloa.

Unlike Aloa who is a very well rounded combat robot, Caia is more of a strategic one. She sucks a close range combat and her on hand pistol has terrible specs but she has three auto turrets (on her dress) that she can deploy, two Gradius option like things (the orbs attached near her waist) and some proximity mines. So she employs the tactic of trapping more than directly engaging. She also is fairly clunky in movement so she uses anti-grav boots and thrusters to levitate around but though they make her move quickly she doesn't have immediate control of her movement.  

Friday, October 18, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 18 Juste Un Autre Jour

Day 18 was super freaking fun. This speed drawing was a vehicle practice one and I always wanted to draw a scooter with a girl on it having a day. So I'm happy. A little sloppy here and there but yeah. This was really fun in the long run. I was listening to a lot of accordion jazz that got me into an European vibe.

Anyways process below with sketches and inks.

Drawtober Challenge Day 17 Aloa Practice

Day 17 was another day I didn't know what exactly I wanted to draw. I know I wanted to practice drawing Aloa but I just couldn't figure out a pose for her as you can see.

Aloa is a character I'm putting more focus on as of late because she is the heroine of the project I want to start working on either by the end of this year or the start of next. So in order for me to draw her in various positions and such I need to get them muscle memory down for getting her likely ness

Sorry for a really messy sketch but this is just me continuing to learn more about my super fighting robot bounty hunter.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 16 Sadie

Day 16 where I come up with a new character. Now this is because I have a zombie girl Vivid, a vampire girl Parfait, and a witch who doesn't have a name for a story I'm currently calling Forever Halloween and I notice that I didn't have a ghost character and ghost characters are typically my favorite Halloween monster type things. So here is Sadie. I'm thinking for her back story, her death was related to Vivid's but she some how became a ghost while Vivid became a zombie, but I'm way too tired to come up with anything right now. I need to sleep.

Sadie is meant to be a really mischievous individual and her becoming a ghost is rather fitting for her personality.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 15 Animation Homework

Day 15 is the still frame I drew up for an animation assignment. Why? Well because I kind of don't want to use up the time I need on drawing personal artwork today so I can get this a good deal done and finish it up in class and get it shot. Basically we are to animated a waving motion of some sort. It could be a tail wagging, hair flowing in the breeze or a flag in the wind. I decided to animate a scarf in the breeze because the cold seasons are among us, the seasons I love.

This feels like a cop out entry but I did draw it today so yeah.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 14 Bleh on SF's Bart Strike

Day 14 another quick doodle. I have no appetite to draw at the moment when I waiting for the news on whether I can take my usual route to school tomorrow or if I will have use completely unknown means. Bart Strike is unnecessary and stupid.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 13 The Iron Wall

Day 13 of Drawtober. Decided to try something different and drew a knight. Tanking knights are best knights.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 12 Phoebe

Day 12, I had closing shift today so I had no time to draw before the day ended so here is a quick sketch this time of my character Phoebe from Custom Phoebe.

Drawtober Challenge Day 11 Chillin' Out Rosa

Day 11 which is a little late but hey better late than never. In the wake of Pokemon X and Y I decided to draw my very favorite trainer, Rosa. She has the best design of all the female playable trainers period, but yeah I can't wait to play Pokemon X.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 10 Pins and Needles

Day 10 with Needle Man from Mega Man 3. I wasn't feeling like drawing today but I need to commit to this challenge. I didn't know what to draw and then I felt like drawing a robot master. Needle Man has one of my favorite design among the robot master oddly enough so I thought I'd do a little doodle. I especially like Hiroshi Ariga's take on Needle Man in his Mega Man Gigamix comics.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 9 Let's Go

Day 9 with who was once named KI-WI is now officially named Aloa. Another day of which I didn't know what to draw so I turned to my music library and popped in some Megaman music and wanted to draw Aloa but a more serious state of Aloa.

I changed her name to Aloa which is an abbreviation for Any Light Operated Automaton. She powered by light and such.

Drawtober Challenge Day 8 Vivid

Day 8 featuring my zombie girl, Vivid. It's the month of Halloween so I have to draw Vivid and I also decided to make some tweaks to her design. She is still a one armed zombie but now she has an enchanted scarf that acts as her right hand as well as a weapon.

I also changed up her personality a bit. I want her to be a sort of prim and proper character who only expects the best of her self and those expected to her. She detest the vulgar brutality of her zombie kind and would rather not stoop to their level so she hunts only the most refine humans for sustenance and will not devour them alive but rather swiftly dispatch the human and cook them to her liking. She was of noble blood in her previous life so all those traits are retain when she is revived.

Her new personality and such was inspired by this.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 7 Girl Got Soles

Drawtober day 7 featuring the character from a super adorable animated short I saw just awhile ago of a ghost girl who finds a pair of dancing shows and basically tries to mimic the shoes movements which leads to her doing a super adorable dance number. I freaking love it and so I wanted to draw the ghost girl enjoying herself.

Here is the link to the animated short.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 6 The Sage of the Forest

Day 6. Profile portrait practice something I don't draw too often. Didn't know what to draw again so I put my music library on random and Saria's song came up and so I drew Saria from Zelda Ocarina of Time.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 5 Just Miette

Just a quick sketch of Miette this time around. I just came back from work so I had no time to get a more refined sketch down.

Drawtober Challenge Day 4 Half-Genie Hero

Man okay a little late on this one but day 4!

Shantae goodness! Freaking love this character and to celebrate her successful kickstarter, I drew her and boy was she a blast to draw. So fun.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 3 Indubitably

Day 3 of Drawtober featuring Custom Phoebe's Rae! It feels good to draw Rae again she is such a unique character. Now to clarify, Rae is a Teleqwin a race of body less floating heads who utilize telekinesis to manipulate the world. They are born from their planet Qwina which is sentient planet of which relies on Teleqwins to provide it with energy which the Teleqwin gather from energy emitting substances of which Teleqwins also need to absorb for sustenance. Because Teleqwins pretty much only use their brains, they have developed a superior intellect but have also master the ability to multitask. They are also very tech savvy develop machines that they shared with the rest of the galaxy including their teleportation tech known as Instant Matter Materialization System, The I.M.M.S. 

Rae is one of Phoebe's partners and serves as Phoebe's navigator and intel specialist. Rae also developed many of Phoebe's prosthetic limbs. Rae is not a fighter but a great support.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 2 Cadet Primrose

Incredibly rough concept sketch of my new character, Primrose for day 2 of my Drawtober challenge. This one is very rough because I still have no idea how this character will look and had ran into snags while sketching this as a result.

Primrose is a cadet for her country's air force and in this world air planes aren't really use for combat but rather these kind of suits where they adopted the use of insect wings for flight because of how maneuverable flying insects are. Primrose is apart of the Yellow Jacket squad of which her flying gear is modeled after the wasp. So the story records Primrose's fight in a sort of world war where we learn how she gain the honor of being the air forces ace. She is equipped with a sort of machine gun and a rapier (the wasp's stinger).

I really enjoy the design of her face. I wanted to capture a stinging insect in her face some how so I gave her slanted eyes which resemble a wasp's eye in some sorts and I don't know how her upwards pointy nose helps indicate the wasps theme but I like it.

 This is by no means her final look and these are all place holders I want to add more mechanical bits and such maybe have a steam punk like slant and she still doesn't have head gear yet because I'm still trying to figure out how that would look. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Drawtober Challenge Day 1 On The Call

Okay so it's a new month and I decided to do something I always wanted to do but I finally decided to just go all out.

I'm attempting to do the draw a day for a whole month challenge. Now most of the things I will do is sketch mainly because of my limited time and I'm not as fast as I would like but yeah this is a great way to practice so here is day 1!

Day 1 being fan art of Mighty No. 9's heroine, Call this is her E design since there is a kickstarter backer vote contest thing for her final design and since design B didn't make it into the final vote session, I want E to win but F and H are nice too. This was an hour sketch that I really want to finish up later on.

Anyways congrats to Mighty No. 9 for the successful Kickstarter!