Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Heads Up 5/9/12

So it's been awhile since I've done one of these but I really want to share my thoughts on a new project that I started working on. Basically what I'm working on is a remake of what I consider and what a lot of people would consider my best art work I have done ever since I started posting artwork to the internet.

This is one of the very few pieces of art work I am proud of and it's a fan art piece. It was finished on October 25th back in 2009 so that was about three years ago. I really consider it one of the mile stone pieces for me because it really brought attention when I had my old deviant art account, that is until I left deviant art.

I decided I wanted to re make the piece to see how far my style has gone and who knows this new rendition of this piece maybe the newest best piece.

There are a lot of old art works that I want to remake and give a lot of old characters a new shine because a lot of my old characters have been neglected sadly and their is one piece that I absolutely need to remake to "redeem" myself from a colossal failure back in Spring 2011.

 This is the continued attempt of L.A. getting the recognition he works so hard to obtain in the art community.

School is nearing the end and so I can probably focus on things like animations and comics during my small break before summer class so yeah.


  1. Sorry to not getting to you earlier, this week and next week is going to be really crazy so I'm trying hard to keep up. Anyways,comparing two things that are the same is a good idea. Shows how much you've learned overtime (always put the date you finished on your artwork!). But yeah, I can't wait to see it -^.^- !

    1. Yeah I got finals week coming up so I really haven't been doing personal art stuff as much I also have to blame the bit of new games I snagged as well heh. After Monday I'm going to be able to go into full gear with this best artwork revival and it will be awesome. Good luck on what ever is coming at you.
