Monday, January 6, 2014

Music share! and Band Camp

No drawings or anything yet, sorry, but can I gush about Band Camp? It's pretty much where I get my music now a days I just really love how indie musicians can show case their work and get money for it as well.

Though I haven't run into indie jazz musicians but I usually just pick up albums based on what I like from my local jazz radio station I listen to when I'm in the car, but I mainly get chip-tunes, electro, funk, and so on kinds of music.

Here are some tracks/albums that I just completely love.

Wandering from the album TRUTHCANNON by A_Rival is such a poppin' track I cannot get enough of it. It totally inspires me to work on Bounty Hunter Aloa stuff. This song came to my attention when I saw the Ultionius: A Tale of Petty Revenge game trailer which featured a remix of this song which helped me consider purchasing the game. Which I have to say the game is super fun. Now the whole TRUTHCANNON album is a great listen. Phoenix, and Ready are other tracks I enjoy but Wandering is my jam right now.

From the album Udana Prana by Amarante. All the songs I feature here are my favorite in the album and here is my favorite for this one. I just completely love the feel of the song. Really calming, a bit gloomy, a bit mysterious. Amarante does folk alternative music and being someone who never really listened to folk music of any sort it's an interesting experience that I'm enjoying. 

Of course I can't talk about indie musicians using band camp with out mention one of my favorite composers ever, Jake Kaufman. My favorite song of his is this one which is Glow from the Mighty Switch Force 2 Original Sound Track but also check out his other work from Mighty Switch Force 1, Shantae, and even in the game I mentioned earlier, Ulionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge. Jake's music has been a key background noise for when I work on my sci-fi stuff during the start of my animation school days and the Mighty Switch Force 1 and 2 OSTs are my most played songs on my phone I love these songs so much.

I can recommend a whole bunch more but I will leave it there for now.

I got one more week of vacation before I have to get back into schooling so I'm going to get as much gaming, show watching, and drawing done this week before school takes over my life again.

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