Wednesday, February 1, 2012

L.A.'s new: The Legends of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

So I had a gift card laying around and decided to go and use it to get a new 3DS game and one that would take more advantage of the 3D functions. I got one of my favorite N64 games remade for the system.

Yeah The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. Sadly, I never experienced this game all the way through. I've seen the end and played through the early bits. I've never owned this game and if I did have it, it was for a short time. So the things I know very well about this game are the young Link dungeons, the forest temple, and then I would stop at the water temple. I've seen the end of the game by watching my friend play it, but I never read any of the dialogue. I know the general idea of the story but never full immersed into the world of Hyrule in this game. I'm happy they remade this game so I can finally fully experience this game.

One thing in this game that impacted me was its music. I enjoyed video game music before but because this game had a playable instrument in game, it encouraged me to play the various songs from this game by ear with the piano. That was the first instance that I knew I had a sort of natural talent to play by ear. I was tempted to expand this musical ability by majoring in music theory but I decided to shift my talents to drawing later on. To this day though, Saria's Song remains to be my favorite song in this game.

Saria's Song

and a nice arrangement.

I also enjoy the character Saria I ought to draw her and the other characters in this game like Malon, Zelda, and such.

So my first impressions. This game was incredible back in the day. This remake makes it that much more incredible. The game looks gorgeous the 3d adds to the games aesthetics. I love the added animations to the characters. Link has extra frames of animation when he is in mid jump and when he runs articles of his clothing move more fluidly. The music some maybe a bit disappointed. What they could've done was remaster the soundtrack and maybe give it an orchestrated backing. They just slightly improved what they had. Now for me it's a hit of nostalgia to her some N64 esque chip samples since it is one of the consoles I grew up playing (the others being SNES, Genesis, and NES). The new controls for the ocarina are a bit odd to me. I'm just use to seeing c button arrows. Some bits of the plot fall victim to old school gaming logic but that's fine.  Another thing that was a disappointing was the manual for the game. It's just this folded leaflet thing. I was expecting some official art because the art for this game is amazing. I'm sad at how manuals are dying I love getting a game and then looking through the manual checking out the art and learning some mechanics and such.

This game is well worth the buy if you are a fan of Zelda and if you wanted to see what all the buzz is about this game, this is a great version to try because let's face it the N64 didn't have the prettiest graphics out there. 

Now I really want to get another N64 remake that is actually my favorite of the system, Star Fox 64 3D.

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